Court: Chaco Canyon area drilling permits violated federal law

OIL & GAS: A federal appeals court finds the federal Bureau of Land Management violated environmental law by failing to account for the cumulative impacts of approving nearly 200 drilling permits near Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico. (Associated Press) ALSO:• Climate advocates urge the Biden administration to base federal methane emissions rules for oil and gas facilities on New Mexico’s regulations, which in essence are routine tire flaring and venting. (Albuquerque Journal)• Permian Basin oil production reached a record 5.6 million barrels per day in January. (Axios)• Oregon regulators say Amazon’s plan to power up to seven…Continue Reading

Thinking of hiding assets during a divorce or separation?

Dividing assets after a divorce or separation is a difficult process. But a recent case highlighted the courts power to undo transactions where the assets were disposed of when a divorce or separation was only being “anticipated”. A common misconception is that if assets are transferred prior to separation occurring (or even post separation), then assets are gone forever. This is usually done by the asset holder in an attempt to hide assets or try to defeat the claim of the other spouse or partner. The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia have powers that can overturn or cancel…Continue Reading

Assistant Attorney General Discusses Antitrust Law Enforcement at Harvard Law School Event | News

Assistant Attorney General Jonathan S. Kanter spoke about his work to modernize antitrust law at a Harvard Law School event on Monday. The discussion, titled “Changing Antitrust Strategy,” was hosted by the HLS Antitrust Association and moderated by HLS professor Einer R. Elhauge ’83. During the conversation, Kanter discussed his work at the Department of Justice to change the way the antitrust law was enforced, citing a system that was “out of touch” with current markets. Kanter, who was confirmed to the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division in 2021 after previously working at the Federal Trade Commission and in the private…Continue Reading