Alberta law society votes to keep continuing education rule following petition against Indigenous culture course

The Law Society of Alberta rejected a motion to suspend the group’s ability to require members to undertake continuing education, multiple lawyers told Global News. The decision comes after the Law Society of Alberta held a special meeting on Monday to vote on the motion. Roughly 4,669 active Alberta lawyers registered to attend the special meeting, which was held via Zoom.There were 2,609 votes against the motion, compared to 864 votes in favour. The Law Society of Alberta said 3,473 votes were cast at Monday’s meeting.This means lawyers practicing in Alberta will still have to take mandated continuing education courses.…Continue Reading

Assistant Attorney General Discusses Antitrust Law Enforcement at Harvard Law School Event | News

Assistant Attorney General Jonathan S. Kanter spoke about his work to modernize antitrust law at a Harvard Law School event on Monday. The discussion, titled “Changing Antitrust Strategy,” was hosted by the HLS Antitrust Association and moderated by HLS professor Einer R. Elhauge ’83. During the conversation, Kanter discussed his work at the Department of Justice to change the way the antitrust law was enforced, citing a system that was “out of touch” with current markets. Kanter, who was confirmed to the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division in 2021 after previously working at the Federal Trade Commission and in the private…Continue Reading