US News & World Report indefinitely postpones law and medical school rankings amid backlash

Lists originally slated for release on April 18 (Reuters) – US News & World Report has delayed the release of its law school and medical school rankings for a second time, without a new publication date. In a Wednesday message posted to its website, US News said it is working to address a large volume of inquiries from schools and will publish the new law and medical rankings “when this work has been completed.” The rankings were initially slated to publish April 18, then pushed back to April 25 due to an “unprecedented” number of questions from schools. US News…Continue Reading

UFLPA Enforcement Remains Work in Progress

US Customs and Border Protection’s (“CBP”) implementation of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (“UFLPA”) remains a work in progress, as importers work to mitigate shipment detentions and respond to UFLPA reviews and enforcement actions. Emerging best practices may guide stakeholders as they navigate these uncertainties. Develop a Due Diligence System Due diligence systems allow companies to proactively evaluate forced labor risks within their supply chains through comprehensive information gathering and robust risk assessments, which can mitigate the legal and reputational consequences of forced labor. To establish a due diligence system, a company should: Continuously collect information on Tier 1…Continue Reading

States With Legal Recreational, Medical Marijuana: Map

Marijuana is legal for adults in 22 states and Washington, DC. Medical marijuana is legal in 38 states and DC. Delaware is the latest state to legalize recreational cannabis. loading Something is loading. Thanks for signing up! Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you’re on the go. download the app Marijuana legalization is spreading around the US. In April 2023, Delaware became the latest state to legalize cannabis, pushing the total number of states where adults can legally consume marijuana to 22, along with Washington, DC and Guam. Last year, legalization votes failed in deep-red South Dakota,…Continue Reading

Cannabis legal update : Clyde & Co

Germany takes a long-expected step to drive forward the adult-use cannabis market in Europe, the global export market adjusts to develop domestic agendas, and the UK has a choice to make. Last week (12 April 2023) saw the German government put forward its formal proposals to legalize the cultivation, possession, and consumption of cannabis for recreational purposes (otherwise known as the “adult-use market” as opposed to the “medicinal market”) . While the proposals have been long expected, they did not extend as far as some may have wished but do still, if implemented as planned, represent the most significant development…Continue Reading

Policy Developments at the UN regarding the Safety of Journalists

Author: Dr. Gemma Horton (University of Sheffield) Safety of Journalists In recent years, the threats that journalists face in their work have grown considerably. The development of technology has meant that journalists are subject to online violence for the work that they do, particularly women who are being targeted and are vulnerable to such attacks as outlined in a recent International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) and UNESCO report. Some States have also used outdated laws to prosecute journalists and, in some cases, submitted them to arbitrary detention . In some instances, the work that journalists do in holding governments to…Continue Reading

Top law firms invest in content marketing “which does not work”

Emails: Only some firms send regular updates A “significant proportion” of large law firms are investing in content or ‘inbound’ marketing schemes that “simply don’t work as they should” and could even damage their reputation, a report has been found. Researchers said a “staggering” 19% of the top 100 law firms let people sign up for legal updates – often with quite complex preference forms – only to never actually send any. Marketing consultancy Thought Spark said it was essential for law firms to develop inbound strategies to “engage and retain potential clients”, leveraging platforms and data to build a…Continue Reading

Journalism has Changed: A New Standards Code for Modern Journalism

Author: Dr Peter Coe On the 16th of February Impress, the Press Recognition Panel approved regulator of the UK press, launched its new Standards Code and Guidance (the new Code and Guidance will come into force on the 1st of April 2023). As a member of the Impress Code Committee I was involved in the review process and in drafting the revised Code. In this post I explain some of the reasons behind the new Code, and some of the key changes. Journalism has changed. One of the great things about the internet is that it has opened up journalism…Continue Reading

Client Legal Update: Judgment of the Federal Labor Court (BAG)

See below this judgment from 20 December 2022 on the merits and limitations of annual vacation entitlements. Summary On 20 December 2022, the German Federal Labor Court (“BAG”) ruled that the entitlement to statutory minimum vacation is only subject to the three-year year statute of limitations if the employer has (i) previously informed its employees about their specific vacation entitlements and that the vacation will lapse if they do not take it and (ii) the employee then freely decides not to take them (See judgment – 9 AZR 266/20). If the employer fails to do so, the corresponding vacation claims…Continue Reading