States With Legal Recreational, Medical Marijuana: Map

Legal Update
  • Marijuana is legal for adults in 22 states and Washington, DC. Medical marijuana is legal in 38 states and DC.
  • Delaware is the latest state to legalize recreational cannabis.

Marijuana legalization is spreading around the US.

In April 2023, Delaware became the latest state to legalize cannabis, pushing the total number of states where adults can legally consume marijuana to 22, along with Washington, DC and Guam.

Last year, legalization votes failed in deep-red South Dakota, North Dakota, and Arkansas. South Dakota previously voted to legalize cannabis in 2018, but the law was struck down in court. Two states — Missouri and Maryland — legalized cannabis through ballot measures in the 2022 elections.

Cannabis is still considered an illegal Schedule I drug by the US government.

Recent polls show 68% of Americans support legalizing cannabis for personal use, including 52% of Republicans.

Canada legalized marijuana federally in 2018.

See all the states where marijuana is legal:

This article was first published in January 2018 and has been updated with new information about where cannabis is legal. It was last updated on April 27, 2023. Melia Russell contributed to an earlier version of this story.