MALANGKOTA (Surabaya Post.id) – Law Firm Dr Yayan Riyanto and Partners sued the reporter, namely Sutris Cs, to the Kepanjen District Court (PN) Malang Regency. The lawsuit was filed by Ngatipah CS through his attorney, namely Dr. Yayan Riyanto, SH, MH, over the accusations of the defendant who said that the sale and purchase of land covering an area of 4,800m2 was said to be fake.
As revealed by Yayan Riyanto, this case began when the defendant Sutris Cs reported Ngatipah and her child to the Malang Police. Then followed up with an investigation warrant Number: Sp.Lidik/1163/VII/022/Reskrim on 29 July 2022.
“We were always attorneys for Ngatipah Cs, then sent a letter requesting a suspension of investigation into the police report number: LP/B/14/1/2023/SPKT/Malang Police/East Java Regional Police on Monday 06 January 2023, regarding the sale and purchase of land,” said Dr. Yayan Riyanto, SH, MH when holding a press conference accompanied by Veridiano LF Bili, SH.MH and Farhan Faelani, SH, Monday (06/02/2023).
The advocate who has an office at Jalan Kawi No. 29, Klojen, Malang City, East Java, also said that the request for suspension of the investigation was made because the sale and purchase agreement Number: 01 February 7 2022 is valid.
“We filed a lawsuit because the defendant stated that the sale and purchase agreement for land objects Number: 01 on 7 February 2022 was fake,” Yayan said.
According to Yayan, the sale and purchase agreement for the land object existed because on April 6 2002, Supari (Ngatipah’s husband) bought a land area of 4,800m2 for Rp. 20 million, located in Kedungrejo Village, Pakis District from Sarinten (His biological mother, red ) in writing which was known by the Village Head (Kades) at the time, Suradi Arif, and was known and agreed to by Supari’s siblings, namely Sutris CS, with the reason being to cover the debts of his parents.

“Since then, Supari has used the land to grow vegetables. However, as time went on, Supari died (2021, ed), and after that this problem arose, when Supari’s heirs were going to sell land to
PT Bintang Indonesia Mashyur which will be used for Lavanaa Land housing,” he explained.
Yayan explained, the brothers from the late. Supari, namely Sutris and Rumana Cs, reported Supari’s heirs, in this case Ngatipah Cs, to the Police.
“So, Sutris and Rumana Cs did not acknowledge the transaction and their signatures on the letter
sale and purchase statement made at that time, they (Sutris and Rumana Cs) stated that the land
still belong to their parents,” he explained.
In fact, continued Yayan, based on the provisions of Article 78 of the Criminal Code, it was stated that the authority to demand a penalty was deleted because it had expired, and the Malang Police should have rejected the report.
“This disputed land has been in dispute for more than 12 years, and it has expired, moreover, until now there has been no Court Decision stating that the sale and purchase certificate owned by Ngatipah cs was fake, so the sale and purchase certificate
It must be declared authentic and valid,” he said.

For this reason, Yayan added, his party and Ngatipah Cs had registered a lawsuit against the law against Sutris and Rumana Cs at the Kepanjen District Court (PN) Malang Regency on January 27 2023.
“We filed the lawsuit so that the PN stated that the actions of the defendants who did not admit that they had agreed to and signed the Statement and Purchase of Land dated April 6, 2002 between the late Sarinten and the late Supari were unlawful acts,” he pleaded.
“Apart from that, he also asked the District Court of Malang Regency to ratify the sale and purchase agreement between the late Sarinten and the late Supari for land objects based on plot D No. 1273 parcel no. 10, No. SPPT 1660, covering an area of 4,800m2,” he added.
Separately, Didik Lestariono, the defendant’s attorney, when confirmed by the media crew, said that the sale and purchase agreement made by the village head was also formally flawed.
Because, he said, when confronted by the police, the village head at that time admitted that he had never signed the sale and purchase agreement. ” And the Village Head declared his signature on False. This statement was also recorded on a CCTV camera in the Ananta Yudha room of the Malang Police,” said Didik via a short message on WhatsApp, one of the media crew. (Lil)