LQ Indonesia Law Firm Wins Again, Cassation Sientje Cs Granted by Supreme Court – Pojoksatu.id

Law Firm

POJOKSATU.id, JAKARTA – In the midst of the chaos of legal issues that have been experienced for years, Sientje Mokoginta Cs can now breathe a little easier.

This is because the Supreme Court through Decision number 4095 K/PDT/2022, dated December 15, 2022, has won his party in a civil lawsuit against Corry Mokoginta Cs.

Sientje Cs’ attorney, Jaka Maulana from LQ Indonesia Law Firm said that his client’s case started in March 2021.

At that time Corry Mokoginta Cs filed a lawsuit against Sientje Mokoginta Cs to the Kotamobagu District Court.

The argument is that Sientje Mokoginta Cs is considered to have committed an illegal act because it has canceled several certificates of ownership (SHM) belonging to Corry Mokoginta Cs.

“In his lawsuit, Corry Mokoginta as the plaintiff argued that our client had committed an unlawful act because they had canceled their (plaintiff) certificate,” he said in his statement, Tuesday (10/1/2023).

In fact, he continued, the cancellation order was given by the Manado State Administrative Court, which has permanent legal force.

At the first level court, continued Jaka, the Kotamobagu District Court in Decision Number 44 / Pdt.G / 2022 / PN.Ktg, dated 24 November 2021 has rendered a decision which essentially rejected all claims from Corry Mokoginta Cs.

“Corry Mokoginta Cs, who was dissatisfied with the result, then declared an appeal against the decision,” said Jaka.

Surprisingly, continued Jaka, the Manado High Court in examining the appeal level of the case actually canceled the Kotamobagu District Court’s decision and won Corry Mokoginta Cs.

Meanwhile, Advocate Franziska Runturambi from LQ Indonesia Lawfirm, who is also Sientje Cs’ Attorney, admitted that she found many allegations of law enforcement errors committed by the judex factie of the Manado High Court in deciding the case.

“We found many irregularities in the consideration of the decision. Starting from documentary evidence in the form of photocopies, the originals of which cannot be shown, to the basis for determining ownership which is only based on an anonymous document that has almost no evidentiary value,” said Franziska.

This is what then prompted his party to resume this case by submitting a request for a cassation examination against the High Court Decision.

“Praise God, in the end, the truth found its own way. What is the basis for our argument regarding the misapplication of the law by the judex factie to submit a cassation examination against the decision has been confirmed by the Supreme Court. And for that we really appreciate the Supreme Court for this decision,” said Franziska.

Through this decision which has permanent legal force, both Jaka and also Franziska from LQ Indonesia Lawfirm said that his party would continue to oversee this case until it was finished.

“As we all know, this case is one of several cases that we are currently handling related to the problem between Sientje Mokoginta Cs and Corry Mokoginta Cs,” he said.

“Hopefully after this there will be no more parties trying to thwart law enforcement efforts that we are currently pursuing against the plaintiffs who are also the reported suspects for alleged criminal acts of land grabbing and forgery of documents whose cases are currently being handled by the Criminal Investigation Unit at the National Police Headquarters,” continued Franziska.

For this reason, Franziska invites the public to jointly oversee this case to the end.

“Anyone who has information regarding alleged violations of law related to this case, please contact us at the hotline 0817-4890-999 Tangerang, 0817-9999-489 West Jakarta, 0818-0489-0999 Central Jakarta, and 0818-0454-4489 Surabaya. ,” concluded Franziska. (mufit/corner)